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Optimized Web Page Template

I want to give you a free web page template that will besearch engine friendly. Why?

Well, I assume you want your web page to come up as high aspossible in search engines because that generates freetraffic.

On the other hand, your page has to deliver value to yourvisitors. Most people on the web are not searching to buysomething. They're surfing the web to find information tosolve a problem or fill their needs. If your page deliversthat, they'll be back.

Fortunately that is exactly what search engines want you todo.Their job is to present the best web pages possible to anysearch action. How do they do that?

Well, to be honest: I don't know! The only people who doknow are the developers of search engine software. And thereare a lot of experts on the web who try to find out how theydo it. But that's a full time job and I don't have time forthat.

The only thing I know is that search enines can't see whatwe see on a web page. Just go to any page and click 'ViewSource' in the menu of your browser. That's how they see apage. They spider it, analyze it and perform somearithmetics with it, way beyond my comprehension.But they can't read images or graphics or flash and they(still) have a lot of troubles with Javascript, dynamicgenerated pages, fancy menus and frames.Their software only does exactly what it is programmed todo. With millions and millions of pages on the web, theycan't solve every possible situation. It's just a generalapproach.

So, if you make it easy for the engine software to spiderand interpret your web pages, there's a big chance you comeup high in their rankings. At least you have a bigadvantage.That's why I always use a simple HTML-editor. It doesexactly what I put into my pages and it doesn't includeextra coding. Right now I'm using AceHTML Freeware, but Ialso like Arachnophilia a lot.

If the above is true, and I think it is, then your pageshave to be as simple as possible. It should be a cleanmixture between text and HTML tags, with lots of text and asfew tags as possible.

Still, you have to include some techniques to satisfy thesearch engine software. There are a few point you have tokeep in mind:

1. the name of a web page should alwasy be the main keywordof that page; don't mix keywords; instead write seperatepages for each keyword and link them;
2. always include the main keyword in the Title-tag; keepthe Title limited to 7 or 8 words;
3. always include the Description and Keyword tags and useyour main keyword here; although these tags are less andless important at the time of writing this article, you'llnever know if that's going to change in future;
4. always use one H tag and include your main keyword in it;
5. always use one IMG tag and include your keyword in theALT variable;
6. put your navigation and menu on the right side, so yourtext is investigated first;
7. try to use your main keyword in an anchor (A) text; I usea link at the bottom of every page to the top;
8. use your main keyword at the very beginning and at theend of your text; include some variatons like plurals; don'toverdue this!

An excellent way to test if your web page is well designedis to use a free software program that analyzes your page.You can find this little gem at http://www.analog.com/

These are the main elements to create a good web page.If you click the link below you will see a page thatcontains this article and some extra comments. You can savethat page (in the menu of your browser click 'Save As' andsave it on your hard disk. Use the page as a template. Ofcourse you have to include your own graphics, but don'toverdo that.

Click here to see and save the free web page template.

Also read about The Global Concept of Web Development andSearch Engine Positioning Secrets in my articles section.

Wish you success,
Case Stevens

Case Stevens, owner of AnOwnSite Internet Marketing, is experimenting with different marketing techniques, websites, traffic and lead generation. He publishes his experiences in a newsletter featuring understandable, successful low cost Internet marketing techniques, ideas and strategies, articles, news, tips & tricks and interesting (free) downloads.

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